Our Orthodox Jewish Community
Owned and operated by Aaron Greenberg

Real Estate
Not only does Cherry Hill have excellent facilities and resources to support Orthodox Jewish life, our Real Estate prices are AMAZING. That's truly what makes us the best kept secret, that we are now letting out of the bag.
At the entry level you can find 2 bedroom condos for about $65,000 and spacious 3 bedrooms townhouses for around $185,000. Single family home are a bargain! You can find a 3 bedroom single family home that's move-in ready for about $230,000 at the lower end or brand new construction 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home for $450,000 (as of April 2017) at the higher end, with everything in between.
Additionaly, we are fortunate to have many quality apartment buildings right down the block from area shuls; making Cherry Hill a great place to come to whether you're just starting out, or already accomplished in your career.