Our Orthodox Jewish Community
Owned and operated by Aaron Greenberg
Quotable Quotes:
"We moved to Cherry Hill because we needed an Orthodox community close to where my husband was attending law school. We soon discovered that Cherry Hill is the best kept secret on the East Coast. The community welcomed us with non-stop Shabbat invitations, many new friends, and a shul that fits everyone. Spend a Shabbat with us and discover Cherry Hill for yourself!"
- Sabra Hess

Young Israel of Cherry Hill

Young Israel of Cherry Hill
817 Cooper Landing Road
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Rabbi: Jonathan Bienenfeld
President: Mr. Daniel Drabkin
About Young Israel of Cherry Hill
Young Israel of Cherry Hill is a center for Jewish life in Cherry Hill, NJ. Founded in 1996, the Shul serves not only as a place of prayer, but also as a home for Torah Study. Under the leadership and direction of Rabbi Jonathan Bienenfeld, the Shul offers both Men's and Women's Torah classes that draw Jews of all backgrounds.
For more information about Young Israel of Cherry Hill, or to schedule a visit to the community please contact Rabbi Bienenfeld at (856) 667-1979.
Chabad Lubavitch of Cherry Hill

Chabad Lubavitch of Cherry Hill
1925 Kresson Road
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Rabbi: Mendel Mangel
Program and Youth Director: Rabbi Yitzchok Kahan
About Chabad Lubavitch of Cherry Hill
Imagine worshipping in an atmosphere of total inclusion and acceptance, where you are welcome, in fact encouraged, to ask questions , and where you are implored to be as nonjudgmental of your neighbor as he or she is of you. This is the atmosphere that has been created in this modest building in Cherry Hill which we call home.
Torah Links of South Jersey

Torah Links of South Jersey
1092 Springdale Road
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Rabbi Serebrowski
Rabbi Miller
About Torah Links of South Jersey
The Torah Links of South Jersey mission is to raise Jewish awareness and to foster an appreciation of our rich heritage though a variety of dynamic classes, captivating lectures, home studies, one on one learning, exciting social events, weekend seminars, Shabbbatons, and holiday programs. Torah Links activities are geared to Jews of all backgrounds and are conducted in an open atmosphere of mutual respect.